Millionaire Makers



Paul Deitch was born and raised in Hawaii and faced many adversities as a teenager, stepping into the adult world at the age of 16. With a long-standing career in the finance industry, Paul has helped over 1000 people eliminate debt, build wealth, and improve their financial education. A year ago, he pivoted to LinkedIn strategy, becoming a “LinkedIn Practitioner,” speaker, audio event and live show host, and writer. Paul created the “Linked In Success” system to teach people how to navigate LinkedIn, gain and sustain attention, and convert effectively, stemming from his own $10k lesson on the platform.


Welcome to the strategic Expert show, where we bring real world experience in marketing and sales direct to you. I’m Matthew Ashton. Today we’re going to be discussing business coaching and why it can make all the difference in your business and in your growth. Our expert today is going to be Cody Fontenot. Cody’s career spans diverse fields, including beginning his service at the US Air Force during 911 as an aircraft technician. He then transitioned over into the aviation industry where he excelled as the youngest member of a prestigious maintenance team. Driven by a passion for growth, Cody then went on to earn his Doctor of pharmacy degree and has led multiple pharmacies to greater degrees of success, including ranking number one at cv’s in his district and achieving a 51% revenue growth at another company. Grounded in integrity, service and excellence, Cody is certified in the ten X program under grant Cardone and now leads a dynamic business coaching company offering insights into marketing, real estate, health, wealth and relationships. Cody, welcome to the show.

Hello. It’s good to be here.

Awesome, man. So let’s jump right into this. Kind of walk us through a little bit of your career. You’ve been in a lot of different industries and seen a lot of things, I’m sure.

Yes, that bio does a pretty good job. I didn’t write the bio, to be honest. When I read the bio, I was like, whoa. Hey, wow. I did a lot. But in a nutshell, I started life in the air force. I really love jets, love the military, love America. So seemed like the right thing to do. Did it for a while. Once I was done doing it, I moved on, stayed in the aviation field. But I quickly found out that that was not a good feel. That was back in 2007, 2008. So that crash really hit the airline industry pretty hard. I decided to refocus my efforts and became a doctor of pharmacy. Pharmacy is not going to go away. Health is always going to be there. The mindset, once I did that for ten years, I realized that I have so much more potential than just counting pills and handing them to customers. So from there, what I did is I kind of stumbled upon a guy named Grant Cardone. I don’t know if many of your audience knows him. I know you know him because I met you there.


But not everybody knows Grant. Yet.

Despite his best, he’s working on it.

He’s definitely working on it. And what he did is he kind of opened up the. He demystified what business is for me. He demystified it. I didn’t even know what business was, to be honest. Now I have a pretty good clue of not only what a business is, but actually how to grow and how to generate more sales and how to make more income and make your revenue and get further in the field instead of starting to subside and getting overwhelmed by all the different things that businesses have to be overwhelmed by.

There’s certainly a lot. There’s certainly a lot to be overwhelmed by.

It’s unending, it’s constant. And then from there I saw again Grant kind of introduced me to this model of real estate. I didn’t even know you could buy real estate like that. Like I didn’t know you could buy apartment buildings. So when he introduced me to that, I went full on into it and started a, yeah, right here. GFC cap. We fund deals. That’s what we do. If you like real estate, I’m definitely glad to talk to you for that.

Fantastic. Well, look, that’s really, really awesome. And, and this Ten X, this ten x business coaching is something I wanted to talk to you about. Like you said, we met at one of the is either the business bootcamp or growth con. Can’t remember which one, but we’ve seen each other at a couple of them. We’re both big grant Cardone fans. The ten x business coaching was something I was interested in, but I never really knew a lot about, which is why I was like, well, let’s pick that as a topic today. I’d love to find out more about it, what you do, what it does. So let’s get into that. What is Ten X business coaching?

Ten x business coaching is basically you’re going to learn advanced strategies and techniques, okay? But you’re going to go through a big chunk of training from grant cordone himself. It’s about 2000 videos. Each video you have to take a test, you have to pass at 100%. So it’s a lot of information, takes months to go through it all. And what that does is it really sets you up for, for being able to explain to business owners who don’t know what you just been trained on, the things that you’ve just been trained on. It also allows you to run growth cons, not growth cons, excuse me, it’s a little bit too big. It allows you to run the business boot camps, marketing and sales workshops. It lets you do those things. So you could really provide a lot of benefit to corporations in your area or corporations that are outside of your area.

Okay, so you’ve been well trained at this point?

I’m pretty well trained, yes, sir. Fully certified, fully vetted, everything is done.

So the next question I want to actually ask you is very similar to what Grant asks most of his speakers when he’s on the stage at growth Con, which is, what does ten x growth mean to you? Especially in the concept of business. But what does ten x mean to you?

Oh, what a beautiful question. I love it when he asks those questions, because a lot of those speakers, they’re so big that they haven’t really been introduced to the ten x mindset. This is what it means. It means your goals are simply too small. You need to be thinking bigger. And the reason that you need to think bigger is because it takes so much effort to succeed that if you’re trying to succeed on something like this, it takes this much effort. So you’re trying to succeed on this. Well, let’s ten x this. Let’s make this that big. It’ll still take this much effort, but now you’re going for something like this. Can I give you an example?

Illustration? Go ahead. Perfect.

Here we go. I got a client. Can we all agree that losing weight is a royal pain? No.

I’m in the middle of that journey right now, man. And it sucks. Every day it sucks.

It’s a rollercoaster. You lose five, you gain ten, you lose eleven, you gain 20. It’s just. Okay, so what I suggested to her was, you’re looking at it the wrong way. You’re looking at it as losing ten pounds. Don’t lose ten pounds. What you’re doing there is you’re yo yoing. What I want you to do instead is I want you to create an identity. I want you to set a goal that’s so ridiculously high that you can never truly achieve it and then make that your identity. That’s kind of the ten x mentality.

So she did.

You know what she said? Now, this is a heavy set woman. Okay?


This is not a spring chicken. She’s a heavysethe. And you know what her goal was? To become a marathon runner.

Hey, there you go. That’ll work.

Now watch. This is how it worked. So now she took on the identity of a marathon runner. So when she would be hungry, she would ask, hey, would a marathon runner eat this? When she’s driving and she feels the pain and McDonald’s french fries are right there, she would say, hey, would a marathon runner stop and eat that? Would a marathon runner do this or do that? If she’s lazy and doesn’t want to go to the gym, would a marathon run or go to the gym? So that’s how she based her question and answers for herself. That’s how she was able to keep accountability for herself. And guess what? She literally turned into an actual marathon runner.

That’s awesome, man. That’s crazy. It’s crazy how your mind works that way. It gets. You totally put into that. And, you know, people talk about manifesting and trying to do that, fake it till you make it, but I think that stuff actually works. For the most part, it does.

But let me give you a tip. Now, this is not something that you’ll hear with ten x. This is me.


I call it the push pull. You ready?


If you’re doing something and you feel pushed to do it, you’re not going to go very far.


If you’re doing something and you feel pulled to it, it could take you quite far.


Can I illustrate that real quick?

Go right ahead.

Perfect. Watch this. Why do most people start businesses?

Stop working for somebody else. Yeah.

Right. Yeah, that’s a push. You’re pushing your boss away.

You’re like, get out of here.

I’m done with that. I’m gonna do my own thing. Well, what happens to those guys?

Most of them fail out. What. What’s the rate? 90% of businesses within five years.

60 something. These are real businesses.

All businesses.

98 at ten years. 98 at ten years. So what’s. What’s the magic there? Why do they fail.

There? There’s a plethora of reasons, I’m sure, but I, you know, based on what you’re saying, I think the biggest one you’re going to say is that they’re nothing. They’re not invested in their business as much as they should be, and they’re not working for a drive. They’re not being driven. They’re being pushed.

Exactly. They’re being driven, but not being pulled into their destiny. They don’t have an identity yet. They don’t see what they’re capable of accomplishing. You think Grant Cardone had any clue that he was going to be a billionaire?

No. In fact, Elena’s the one who made him do it because he didn’t want to do it, and he got mad at her for it. I love that story because, you know, I get that when he, you know, when he gave that story example and he tells the, you know, and Elena’s like, you should be a billionaire. And he kind of got miffed, like, well, when is enough enough for you? Thinking it was about her making money, not realizing she’s like, no, you need to do it because you can do it, like, I love their relationship. It’s something to definitely aspire to, but right on. He really didn’t. It wasn’t his plan. It wasn’t his plan for that undercover billionaire. Wasn’t his plan. He didn’t want to do that either, and Elena pushed him to do it. It wasn’t like that wasn’t stuff. He was, like, thinking, oh, I’m going to go do this.

You got to go outside of your comfort zone.


Look, one of the things that I teach is, I call them comfort killers.


Comfort killers. If you have something that you’re comfortable in, it’s killing your dreams.

Yeah, absolutely.

You have to go way outside of your comfort zone. And not just once or twice, but continually. You have to keep pushing, keep expanding, keep learning, keep meeting new people, keep talking, keep doing podcasts and webinars. You just have to keep doing things that you don’t want to do. And that’s how you go further.

I think I heard a quote on that somewhere that said, like, everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of the thing that you’re not doing. Like, that thing, the thing you’re avoiding. I’m not sure that’s exactly how it goes, but that’s the gist of it. That. That thing that you’re putting off and going, oh, it’s uncomfortable. I don’t want to do that. The good things on the other side of that.



And then the next good thing and the next and the next. Because you’ll never get to that spot where you’re happy.

Exactly. I.

You’ll never be fully filled. You have to continue going and pressing.

Yeah. It’s. It really is the journey, not the destination.

Oh, gosh. Oh, that’s. That’s actually where so many people get messed up. Like, let’s look at. Who is the goat?

Tom Brady.

Tom Brady. He’s known as the goat. How generic is that? And he’s known as the goat. Yeah, but what’s Tom Brady doing right now?

I don’t know what he’s doing at the moment.

He’s crying in his bathroom. Like, he’s in his bathroom right now, and he’s crying because he can’t see the future. He doesn’t understand that his best is actually yet to come. He’s looking at the past.


And dude will suck you right back, and you will be depressed.

And I know a lot of people are like, oh, you know, I want to get to a million dollars in business, or 100 million. They get there and they haven’t planned for now.


And so then all of a sudden, they start getting depressed and they start backsliding and start feeling like I don’t know what’s going on because they haven’t planned for. Well, once I hit one, it’s ten, and then it’s 100, and then, like, you really have to keep pushing.

Yes, but I would like to. Now we’re going to. We’re going to kind of segue a little bit. And I would like to teach, if you’d allow, something that’s very, very important right here.

Okay, shoot.

One thing that I teach a lot, you know, you know, I’m ten x, so, yeah, I teach money, right?


I have a capital raising company, clearly. I teach finances, but I teach three things.


Health, wealth and relationships. Now, I’m gonna give you three examples, and I want you to tell me which one sounds the best. When I ask which one of those three is the most important, most people tell me wealth because, you know, they’re chasing that first million or that first ten or whatever. Right, perfect. Let’s do it.


Let’s set up a scenario. You got a guy, he’s 42 years old. He’s got three ex wives, four kids. He’s driving his Ferrari. Actually, ferraris are kind of cheap now. Let’s go something bigger. Konadek. Okay, you guys know Konasek or Bentley or whatever? Something ridiculous. Just a ridiculous car. He’s 42. He has a heart attack. He goes to the emergency room. They put him in the hospital. His numbers are terrible. Everything is bad. Nobody comes to visit him in the hospital. One, his ex wives come, and that’s only because she’s a good woman. So clearly, the guy doesn’t have relationships.


Doesn’t have health, but he does have wealth. Does that sound like a good life?

Well, even at that point, the wealth can’t save him in that. In that heart attack moment, like, yeah, I can get him a good hospital, but it may not reverse that heart attack. It may not reverse that situation.

Look at him.

And then the people who are showing up at the hospital are probably coming to see if he’s going to die so they can get the money, inherit the money from him.

Steve Jobs. How rich was Steve Jobs? What happened? He’s dead.

Yeah, exactly. Okay, so we’re all going to be.

We all.


That’s destined for all of us. But wealth is definitely not the answer to those three.


About health. If you’re healthy, is that better?

I think it is. I think it’s a precursor to wealth, for sure.

Definitely. That’s part of it. That’s why I’m teaching all three. Health is definitely part of it. But let’s look. You got a guy who’s 92 years old.


He lives by himself. He doesn’t have any money. The doctors don’t understand why he’s so healthy. He’s probably going to live another 20 years, to be honest. So he’s got health, but he doesn’t have wealth and he doesn’t have relationships. How does his life look?

Well, I would argue that if he doesn’t have relationships, he’s not going to make it that 20 years, because the science does show that without the relationships and without the people there, like, that’s why the people in Okinawa live so long, is they have these community centers where all the old people are hanging out together and spending time, and nursing homes are done very differently there. They’re more. More like a community center, not the nursing homes we have today, where everybody’s segregated in their little rooms and basically alone, 100%.

So I’ll re ask the question. Does that sound like a good life?

No, that’s lonely. And loneliness will kill you, too.

Okay, perfect. So health isn’t right. Wealth isn’t right. Let’s look at relationships. There’s a 32 year old woman. She’s got three kids. She lives paycheck to paycheck. She has one husband. She has cancer. She is in the hospital. While she’s there, entire communities come to visit her. Not just her church, but other churches come to visit her. I mean, it’s just amazing how many people are showing up for this. So she does not have health and she does not have wealth, but she does have relationships. Now, which one of those three, none.

Of them are good, but which one.

Of those three sounds the best of the three?

The relationship seems to be the one that’s going to make the biggest difference.

Relationships, hands down. There’s no comparison. So what I teach is, of course, finance. You have to have finances to survive. Yeah, but you can do even more and have finances to actually influence other people and help other people along their path. Health, you have to be healthy. You just have to. And then relationships, that’s actually the key. If you have those beautiful, solid relationships, you could lose the other two and still be good. Yeah, but if you don’t have those relationships, no matter how much health or wealth you have, you’re not going to live a fulfilled life.

And I think a lot of that comes down. Those other two really do stem from that, looking at my own life, my own health journey right now is because of a family relationship I have where I saw one of my family members absolutely crush his first NPC bodybuilding competition. Like, his wife posted pictures. And I was like, this guy. This guy went from already pretty fit to jacked. And so I immediately called him. I said, hey, dude, can you introduce me to your trainer? So the relationships allowed me to now have a trainer that I know has gotten good results because somebody else knew him that I knew. And it’s funny because I was reading, I think I was reading Trump’s think big book, and he was saying if he’d ever lost everything, what he would do is he’d get into, like, an MLM business. If he were to start over today from ground zero, he’d get into an MLM and he’d crush it. And all mlms are, is business networking. It’s who do you know? Who do you connect with? Like, that is what drives business. If you don’t know anybody, it’s really hard to get your business off the ground.

If they don’t know you, they can’t flow you.

Exactly. There’s a good grant cardone quote. All right, man. So you’ve got a great program. The way you teach is absolutely phenomenal. What type of businesses work best with this? What type of businesses do you work with? Have you seen success with within the program and other people have had success with, like, what is this really fit for?

This fits businesses who are teachable. That’s a big one. A lot of people.

That is a huge one.

That’s a big one. A lot of people, when they’re business owners, they’re already kind of alpha. They’re type a. They want to get it done. So, like, who’s going to teach me?


Well, you don’t know what you don’t know.

That is one of my absolute favorite quotes of all time is you don’t know what you don’t know.

Right. And luckily for us is right now, coaches are kind of a trendy thing.


Like, if you go in a group, like, oh, who coach are you? Or who. Or look at you, you’re very family members, like, oh, who’s doing your stuff? I want to do it, too.


So coaches are becoming better and better fit for our communities. Now, the people that I like to work with, number one, hands down, you have to be teachable. Hands down. If you’re not teachable, I will cut the contract and I’ll give you your money back. Goodbye. I’m out.

It’s smart. It won’t work. It’s butting your head against the wall. It’s not going to be good, and.

I don’t butt my heads on the wall. My goal is I like slick, smooth, and efficient. I want to be able to walk in, hit ABC 123. Smooth on out of there. The next time I see you, everything I just gave you, you’ve already implemented it. It’s working for you. You love it. You’re ready for some more. Give me, give me, give me, baby. I got stacks. I will give you. I will give you.


And then that relationship builds. It’s. Again, it’s not just business. Yeah, business is important. Finance is important. But I want to go further. I want to go into the dynamics of your team. I want to get you guys to understand that you’re working as a team. If there are people who are going against you inside of your team, you need to get rid of them, like.

Which there are, I think the numbers. The numbers state, what, like, 10% of your employees are actively trying to destroy your company?


There you go. You see? You knew the number. That’s so high. That’s one in five people.

One in five.

One in five people who work for you. If you got a company of 100 people, you’re literally sitting there with 18 people actively trying to destroy your company. Not even that. They don’t care. They’re willing to burn their job to the ground.

Yes. Hundred percent. Yes. And it’s getting worse, not better.


With this new generation of workers coming out.

Absolutely. It’s definitely is.

The complacency is just through the roof right now.


So I like working with teams. I like working with business owners or executives who understand what we’re trying to do. They understand that they want to grow and they want to get bigger. We give them a lot of tools. But I’ll tell you what the. The danger is. Here’s the danger. Everybody wants the sexy thing.

Mm hmm.

Okay, everybody. Oh. Oh. What’s the best landing page?

Oh, yeah. It’s always the hackley, the tip, the script.

It’s the hack. And I have to tell you, the hack is not what drives the business.

It doesn’t. And even if it does, it’s a short spike, and it crashes shortly after.

Right. Short term gain, long term loss. So you have to focus on the thing that we don’t like to say, the fundamentals.


When you have the fundamental.

Look at.

Look at all. All of your sports. I like to give analogies. Right. When I’m doing my coaching and different people resonate with different things. I like sports personally. Most of my clients like sports as well.

Most people do. Yeah.

Business is no different than sports, right? None. If you want to be competitive, you have to compete and you have to train. If you don’t train, you’re not going to be competitive. End of story.

I think that’s a big failure in business, is most people don’t train. They get in and do their job, but they don’t train.

People don’t realize they have to train. People think that if they’re good at what they do, they’re going to do, they’re going to be successful. And let me tell you, that is the biggest, fattest lie I can tell you. Here’s the truth. You have to continually train and continually go outside of your comfort zone and continually move forward continually while maintaining that fundamentals that you’re just carrying through with yourself. You have to do that. Here’s an example. I know a person here in town. She is arguably the best cook I’ve ever had.


Like, I can eat, be full, go to her house and still eat again. She’s that good.

She introduced me.

Well, you would love her, dude, I promise you, you would love her. So I was. She thought that it’d be a good idea to do a restaurant. It makes sense. She’s good at that art. So she’s going to do business, turns out. What do you think happened?

Oh, there’s a very big difference between running a business in a restaurant and cooking food. Very big difference.

And it’s not just limited to food and restaurants. It’s anything with art. If you’re like, let’s say you’re the best welder and you’re going to start your own business, great. But how are you going to get your business growing? Yeah, you’re probably going to fail. And you’re probably going to fail within two years.

I literally told an attorney this recently, she’s been working at another firm. She used to work at a firm I was at, and she’s gone out on her own. And so she was hitting me up for some tips and, hey, what do you think? And I’m like, I’m just going to let you know, like, the hard part of this is not going to be the law. You’re a good attorney. Where you’re going to struggle is all the other stuff you now have to be, because now you’re not just an attorney. Now you’re an accountant. Now you’re a salesman. Now you’re a marketer now. You’re, you’re all these things because you don’t have a team yet. And those are where you’re probably going to drop the ball because you know how to do your craft really well. You’ve got to make sure these other things go, yep.

She’s an artesian in the law. Yeah, but it doesn’t mean she’s a good business owner.

Correct. Because they’re very, very different things. And so I think she’ll have good opportunities, and she’s very, like you said, she’s very coachable. And I think that makes the difference is she asks a lot of questions, and attorneys are good at this. But real quick, going back to what you said about training, because that occurred to me, too, when we talk about lawyers, I’m sure as a pharmacist, you had this as well. Like any high level professional, doctors, dentists, lawyers, sports professionals, those guys train every day. The NFL guys don’t walk out on the field on Friday and have him sat around Monday through Thursday. They’ve trained every single day. They’ve worked with coaches, with trainers in preparation for that time when they do it. You know, when I was a sign language interpreter, there was continuing learning education credits. We had to take classes in interpreting constantly. Doctors do this. Lawyers have continuing education credits, but most businesses don’t. Most businesses don’t have continuing education credits, which they should. Yep.

I’ll tell you, most businesses get comfortable.


Remember what happens with comfort?


Comfort kills.

That has killed my business multiple times, man.

It kills.

I get up to a certain revenue point and I’m like, hey, I’m doing good. This is great. I’m going to be serving my clients, and I stopped selling, and all of a sudden, you know, one client might leave or I may part ways with somebody. Somebody doesn’t have the budget anymore, and all of a sudden I’m back down to a really low amount of money and kind of going, crap. I got to get my stuff together and get back out there and hustle. So I’ve learned that, and I’ve stopped allowing myself to get comfortable every time. I’m like, hey, this is a good amount of money. It’s like, no, we’re going further. We’re not stopping no matter what happens.

Yes, you’ve learned it. Thank you for learning. Thank you for being teachable.

I bumped into that wall a few times before I learned that lesson. I will say that, though, there’s a roller coaster for a lot of years.

Well, yeah, we don’t like what do we want to be? I’ll tell you what humans want. We want three things. We want to be full, pampered and entertained.


All three of those are comfortable.

Yep. Our minds seek that naturally.

Oh, my gosh. And then with Netflix and Hulu and all the other amazing entertainment that’s out there, it’s so hard to stay focused on your craft and on your business and all the things that you need to do that you’re not yet doing.

Yeah, no, I 100% agree with you. So you said you wanted to come into a business and have it be slick and easy and everything. So let’s talk about, like, talk me through that process, that initial assessment, the strategy. Like, how do you work with a company to make sure that that process is as seamless as you can?

Perfect question. We only got about five minutes left, so I’ll be short. First, we have a conversation. It’s a strategy call where we just briefly go over what I can do for you. Just some basics and what you’re looking for. You know, the whole fact finding, DBL, dominant buying motive, all that stuff. And once I’m satisfied with the fact finding, then we take it to a face to face meeting. At the face to face meeting, it could be zoom or it could be actual face to face. Once we’re there, then I’m going to have an actual questionnaire.


And with that questionnaire, we’re going to assess your level of business right now. And it’s. It’s a pretty invasive questionnaire. Like, this is not something that’s simple.


It’s not ten questions. It’s a lot of questions, and it’s. We’re digging. We’re looking for problems is what we’re doing.


And when we identify the problems, the problems are where you should not turn your face from. Problems are where you should actively attack. A lot of big corporations call those opportunities, and I hate that, but they’re absolutely right.

Yeah, it is true.

It is true. So once we find those opportunities, then we start aggressively attacking them. And then while we’re building up all the fundamentals, we’re also training you on health. I’m a pharmacist. I can help you a lot. Help you, help you out a lot with that. And then the relationships. I haven’t even begun to talk to you about the relationships yet.

I think we want to do multiple podcasts with you, man. We’re going to get into each one of these areas. We could dive into this for hours at a time. So we’re definitely going to have you back for sure. I know you’re limited on time today. I appreciate you making the time, but for sure, we’re going to get into these other areas and we’re definitely having you back.

All right, bro. GLAD to serve your people.

Now you, you’ve done pHenomenal, man. This. This is what I want people to get out of this, like ten x business. Coaching is the next level. It is what’s going to help your business get in line. CODy is a great resource for this. He’s absolutely wicked smart. He’s been through a lot of stuff. He’s been a good friend of mine now for, I think a couple of years now at THis POINT. Few years, yeah, it’s been a wonderful ride. I always try to snag him at a ten X conference if I can, but Cody, it’s great. Where can people find you? Where can they connect with you?

Most of my connection is through text messaging and the phone.


I do have social media. I don’t really utilize my social media too, too much. We’re about to hit again comfort. We’re about to get the next step of the social media and get that going forward, the best place. How do you deliver this information?

So this is going to be going out on YouTube, Facebook, across the whole social media platform. I know you and I talked about getting up a little landing page, so we’ll definitely include that in the show link in the show notes within YouTube, so that way people can click that and just get right to you.

Absolutely. I will give you my landing page where people can connect. And I’m also going to give you guys some free stuff that’s. It’s not free. Don’t. Don’t take it as free. I’m going to bless you with some information that I’ve learned that is truly incredible.

Awesome. All right, man. I appreciate it. I know you got to run, but I appreciate you having on being on today. I learned a lot from you already. I definitely want to continue these conversations down the road here, too. I think this is going to be phenomenal. So really, really appreciate your time.

Yes, sir. Likewise. Thanks a lot for the invite. Look forward to the next time we get to hang out.

Sounds good. We’ll talk to you next time, man.

All right, buddy. Take care.
